Year: 2020 | Month: December | Volume 10 | Issue 1and2

Information System and Its Types: Emphasizing Territory, Establishments and Domain Specific

P.K. Paul P.S. Aithal K.S. Tiwary R. Saavedra R.R. Sinha B. Aremu


Information and similar facets such as Data, Content, and Knowledge are also important in almost all types of organizations and institutions. There are specific divisions and units in the organization in the current age with a special focus on Information Technology. System consists of interrelated and connected various parts and objects. It can also be considered as a combination of the tools or some sub systems. In Information Systems different tools, components, and subsystems are connected to the information related activities. Information Systems can be treated as an electronic system responsible for information management in different kinds of organizations and institutions. An Information System can be technological or manual viz. deals with Computational information activities and also Manual Information activities. Information Systems in the context of the organization and with the view of IT and Technologies can be Executive Information Systems, Decision Support Systems, etc. However, these can be considered as traditional types of information systems. Information Systems further can be classified based on other criteria. This paper is a theoretical one and discusses regarding the information systems with the foundation, basic types, emerging types, etc.

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